FinaLab Warsaw Accounting Office


For those starting a business


We grow with you

Biuro rachunkowe Warszawa

Mature compagnies


Business Intelligence for your company

Pełna księgowość spółek z o.o.



Sole proprietorship

Sole proprietorship

Maintaining accounting records is an obligation for every entrepreneur, regardless of the size of the business – whether it's a large corporation or a small one-person company. The same applies to individuals running a sole proprietorship. It is worth gaining information about various forms of accounting and using the services of an accounting office already at the stage of setting up the company. Decisions regarding these formalities should be made when submitting the registration application. The good news is that FinaLab accounting office also offers accounting services for individuals running their own business. We cordially invite you to familiarize yourself with our offer and to contact us.

At the beginning of a company's development, when there are few transactions and they are relatively simple, less experienced entrepreneurs may still encounter certain difficulties. When choosing accounting services for a sole proprietorship, you can expect:

  • Assurance that all invoices, documents, and formalities are completed in accordance with current tax regulations, regardless of their complexity or number.
  • Timeliness in service delivery, which can sometimes be challenging to maintain when simultaneously handling other duties related to running the business.
  • Professional support and substantive assistance available both in-person and remotely, via email or phone.
  • Up-to-date knowledge of current tax and financial regulations.


Business entities

Business entities

According to the Accounting Act, the following entities are obligated to maintain full accounting, i.e., accounting books:

  • Business entities: limited liability company (sp. z o.o.), limited liability company in organization (sp. z o.o. w organizacji), simple joint-stock company (prosta spółka akcyjna), simple joint-stock company in organization (prosta spółka akcyjna w organizacji), limited partnership (spółka komandytowa), and limited joint-stock partnership (komandytowo-akcyjna), regardless of their revenue,
  • Natural persons, civil partnerships of natural persons, and enterprises inherited, general partnerships of natural persons, partnership companies, and enterprises inherited, if their net revenues for the previous financial year amounted to at least 2 million euros. In 2024, this obligation will arise after exceeding the amount of 9,218,200 Polish Zlotys according to the euro exchange rate from October 2nd this year.

You can also voluntarily keep commercial books if the revenues were lower than 2 million euros.

Full accounting is a complex method of recording business events in a chronological and systematic manner, and the entrepreneur is obligated to prepare financial statements, which include the balance sheet, profit and loss statement, introductory information to the report, as well as additional information and explanations.

Although our FinaLab accounting office is located in Warsaw, Mokotów, we offer full online accounting services for entrepreneurs from all over the country. We have a dedicated online platform and advanced technological solutions that enable us to remotely manage accounting books. As a client using our accounting services, you will receive free access to an individual client account, allowing you to easily upload scans or photos of all necessary documents. Our remote platform works both in a web browser and as a mobile application on smartphones and tablets, providing you with constant access to detailed data and settlements of your company, regardless of where you are – whether in the office or traveling by train.




A startup is a young company that is just beginning its operations. It is characterized by seeking innovative solutions or products, often based on technology. Startups have a high growth potential, often aiming for rapid development and scalability of their business. They focus on introducing innovative solutions that can change a given industry or market operation while operating in a high-risk business environment.

At FinaLab, we understand that for startups, balancing innovation, rapid development, and business sustainability is crucial. FinaLab responds to these needs by:

Financial Monitoring

FinaLab will ensure clarity regarding the revenues, expenses, and overall financial condition of the startup.

Accuracy in financial management

Effective financial management is crucial for the long-term development of a startup. Accounting services will assist in maintaining accurate and timely tax filings as well as ensuring transparency in financial matters.

Planning and budgeting

Finalab will assist the startup in creating a realistic budget that takes into account all expenses related to the company's development, helping to avoid excessive or unexpected costs.

Business Intelligence

BI analyses can provide valuable insights into the market, customer behaviors, and industry trends. They will assist in making informed business decisions based on data and facts.

Process optimization

BI analyses can also help identify areas within the company that require optimization. They can show which processes are the most efficient and where improvements can be made.




We understand that the IT world is full of challenges requiring unconventional solutions. Companies in the IT sector often face various issues, such as the volatility of tax regulations or the complexity of invoicing due to different types of services and clients. Working in IT not only paves the way for attractive earnings and personal development but also imposes certain obligations related to tax regulations, which are crucial for the company's further development.

Understanding the tax aspects in the IT industry allows avoiding traps and troubles associated with improper tax filing with tax authorities. It's an important part of running a business that allows focusing on further company development, avoiding unnecessary tax-related complications.

We offer support at every stage of company development: from company registration, through accounting services, to utilizing the most optimal tax solutions. We assist both individual programmers running sole proprietorships, innovative startups, and companies in the IT industry.

We'll ensure that you benefit from the IP BOX relief and can pay a 5% tax rate. The IP Box relief is a reduction of the income tax rate from 12% to 5%. A necessary condition to benefit from the relief is transferring the copyrights for the work performed based on a contract with the counterparty.

Both personal income tax (PIT) and corporate income tax (CIT) taxpayers can benefit from the IP Box relief. Since the IP Box relief has been in effect since January 1, 2019, we can apply it from that moment and make corrections for previous years.

We will maintain the IP Box register with due diligence. It will contain information about qualified intellectual property rights and revenue-generating costs, as well as establish the Nexus ratio and qualified income.

IT Programmer
UX designer
Database Programmer
Software architect
Scrum master
Machine programmer
Automation tester
Application developer
Game developer




The development of online stores is one of the most dynamic phenomena in business in recent years. Company after company is moving its presence online, resulting in a rapid growth of the e-commerce industry. This trend is particularly noticeable now, as many companies have accelerated the digitization of their services due to changing market conditions.
Our team is focused on trends and has experience in accounting for the e-commerce industry. Specialized knowledge about the specifics of this sector is incredibly valuable, especially in the context of the dynamic changes occurring in the online commerce area.
Optimizing accounting processes in e-commerce can be crucial for companies operating in this industry. Understanding the specifics of online transactions, various sales channels, inventory management, electronic payment processing, and transactional data analysis is extremely important for effective accounting management.
We streamline accounting processes in e-commerce, bringing significant added value to our clients by helping them effectively manage finances, conduct business analysis, and reporting. With our understanding of the industry's specifics, we can provide clients with standard accounting services and advice on optimization and financial strategy in the context of online commerce. This is a huge advantage and competitive edge in the accounting services market.




Branża medyczna odgrywa kluczową rolę w społeczeństwie i jest niezmiernie istotna dla ludzi na całym świecie.

Zaangażowanie i wysiłek profesjonalistów medycznych przekładają się na poprawę jakości życia, zdrowia i dają nadzieję na lepszą przyszłość dla wielu osób.

Dlatego też wsparcie biura rachunkowego lub specjalistów zajmujących się księgowością dla lekarzy jest niezmiernie cenne. Pozwala to lekarzom skupić się na swoim fachu, zapewniając profesjonalną opiekę pacjentom, jednocześnie mając pewność, że ich sprawy finansowe są w dobrych rękach. W Finalab specjalizujemy się w obsłudze lekarzy, spółek z branży medycznej. Zapewniamy nie tylko dostosowanie się do zawiłych przepisów podatkowych, ale także optymalizację finansów.

Znamy specyfikę tej branży i jesteśmy świadomi, na jakie aspekty należy zwrócić szczególną uwagę.

Bowiem opodatkowanie lekarzy w Polsce zmieniło się wraz z wejściem w życie nowych przepisów podatkowych dla personelu medycznego w 2022 roku.

Praktyka lekarska wymaga prawnego zatwierdzenia działalności, którą należy dostosować do formy prowadzonych usług.

Zarejestrowanie jednoosobowej działalności gospodarczej to rozwiązanie dla lekarzy, którzy zdecydowali się świadczyć usługi indywidualnie w swoim gabinecie. Przy praktyce grupowej (usługi wykonuje więcej niż jeden lekarz) należy rozważyć założenie spółki cywilnej, jawnej lub partnerskiej. Po zarejestrowaniu działalności pomożemy wyborze formy opodatkowania gabinetu lekarskiego wśród kilku dostępnych opcji.

Are you looking for a reliable accounting firm with experience in the medical industry to handle the accounting for your private medical practice?

We offer:


Foundations and associations

Foundations and associations

Foundations and associations

Social organizations bring a lot of good to our country, which is why it is crucial for them to operate transparently and in compliance with regulations, especially in matters of accounting.

Foundations and associations are the primary forms of operation for social organizations.

Every non-governmental organization, even if it is funded solely by member contributions, is required to maintain standard accounting and prepare an annual balance sheet, or financial report, which details all monetary transactions in the organization's accounts.

Associations and foundations, as a rule, maintain accounting records based on the provisions of the Accounting Act. However, if they meet certain conditions, they may use simplified revenue and expense records under the rules specified in the Public Benefit and Volunteer Work Act (see Article 2, Section 5 of the Accounting Act). 

Simplified revenue and expense records are similar to a tax revenue and expense ledger. Their purpose is to show revenues, costs, and incomes that affect the correct determination of tax liability in corporate income tax.

Exemptions and taxes in public benefit organizations

The status of a public benefit organization (confirmed by entry in the National Court Register) grants foundations and associations specific privileges. These include, among others:

  • exemption from income tax on income used for statutory purposes,
  • exemption from property tax when a property is used for statutory activities,
  • exemption from administrative fees in the course of public benefit activities,
  • exemption from court fees, including those related to entry into the National Court Register (KRS),
  • exemption from tax on civil law transactions (e.g., sales contracts) when the transaction pertains to public benefit activities,
  • VAT exemption for food donated to an organization for charitable activities (the donor does not have to pay VAT).


Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence

Digital transformation

Presentation of key performance indicators (KPIs) in the form of clear charts and numbers on an interactive dashboard. This will help quickly understand the key aspects of the company's operations.

Tracking trends and forecasting future results.

It's a great way to quickly identify trends and areas for optimization.

Better and faster decision-making

In today's dynamic world, data is often called the oil of the 21st century. Indeed, in modern times, it is data and information that shape business success. We offer comprehensive support in Business Intelligence solutions and data visualizations using platforms such as MS Power BI and Tableau.

Our goal is to assist in structuring data so that your company can draw accurate conclusions, plan for the future, and gain a competitive edge. With us, the process of analyzing and interpreting information becomes efficient, fostering innovation and success

For more information visit:



You focus on the business, leave the finances to us

Przed założeniem działalności gospodarczej, przedsiębiorcy muszą się zmierzyć z biurokracją, przez którą pomożemy Ci przebrnąć. Wiele decyzji podjętych na początku działalności będzie miało swoje konsekwencje finansowe w przyszłości. Poznaj naszą pełną ofertę

What sets us apart?

Certified accounting office
Comprehensive services
Flexible office
Business Intelligence

We offer:

Starter package

Registering a business activity

If you are starting a business, contact us to take advantage of our attractive offer from the accounting office for the 'start'. We offer comprehensive assistance in establishing a business activity. 

Księgowość spółek z o.o.

Contact us and you will receive:


Free consultation


Documents required to set up a business


Dedykowanego księgowego, który pomoże Ci wypełnić dokumenty, założyć firmę i będzie prowadził finanse Twojej firmy.


You are an entrepreneur.

Do you have any questions?

Send us a message

Company registration

A limited liability company, a general partnership, a limited partnership, and a simple joint-stock company can be established in two ways: in a traditional form and through the S24 system. We will help you set up a company. 

Rejestracja spółki zoo

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