About us

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Biuro rachunkowe Warszawa Dlaczego my?

  • Posiadamy wieloletnie doświadczenie w finansach w różnych obszarach od księgowości, poprzez controlling finansowy, audyt, analizę finansową, kontrolę wewnętrzną, sprawozdawczość finansową, zarządzanie finansami, bankowość a także Business Intelligence
  • Our team consists of professionals with many years of experience in the financial industry. Accountants in our team have detailed knowledge of complex tax regulations and accounting standards, ensuring precise and legally compliant bookkeeping.
  • Our experience in the field of auditing allows us to thoroughly evaluate financial statements, identify potential risks, and suggest optimizations for business processes. This enables our clients to make more informed decisions based on solid data and analysis.
  • Internal control is an area where we ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of internal processes, eliminating potential risks and raising the standards of the company's operations. Our approach is based on the continuous improvement of control systems, which contributes to the financial stability and security of our clients.
  • Accounting is a profession of public trust, hence the high quality and standards of the services provided are so important.
  • Accounting Certificate No. 46259/2010 issued by the Minister of Finance in 2010
  • Check us out at: https://www.cik.org.pl/weryfikacja-ksiegowych or on the Finance Ministry website
  • Ongoing cooperation with a tax advisor and legal team
  • We maintain ongoing cooperation with tax advisors and legal teams.
  • Free online invoicing software!
  • Electronic document transmission and storage system
  • Client's freedom of choice and comfort - the agreement is concluded for an indefinite period, with the option of termination with one month's notice.
  • Fair principles - the price for accounting services depends on the actual number of transactions in a given month, relative to the type of business.
  • Membership in ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) - a prestigious international organization gathering certified experts in finance and accounting. The ACCA/FCCA title is recognized worldwide and attests to knowledge and competence in finance, accounting, and management, as well as high professional and ethical standards. Membership requires continuous professional development and commitment to adhering to the International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants.

The ACCA certification, also known as qualification, confirms expertise in modern enterprise management, auditing, management and financial accounting, risk management, strategic planning, as well as law and taxation.



Our mission

Zawsze podziwialiśmy przedsiębiorców, którzy mają energię i motywację do tego, aby prowadzić swój własny biznes. Każdego dnia stają w obliczu nowych wyzwań, zmieniającego się środowiska gospodarczego, makroekonomicznego i oraz nieustannych zmian w przepisach  podatkowych.

That's why, after years of working in various positions in different companies and corporations in the financial industry, we've decided to share our experience and passion to support sole proprietors and small businesses.

W swojej karierze zarządzaliśmy zespołami liczącymi nawet 40 osób – rozmiar zespołu, którego Ci osobiście życzę, ale również rozumiemy wyzwania z tym związane.

If, however, you are at a different stage of maturity in your business, we will gladly tailor our offer to your needs. That's how we've built our company's offering.

Biuro rachunkowe Warszawa
Business Intelligence

Nie chcieliśmy, aby było to kolejne biuro rachunkowe Warszawa. Dla nas liczy się indywidualne podejście do klienta oraz jego wyzwań. Mając wieloletnie doświadczenie w księgowości, finansach oraz zarządzaniu ludźmi cenimy profesjonalizm, ale zdajemy sobie również sprawę, ze klient potrzebuje nie tylko profesjonalnej oferty rachunkowej, ale również pomocy w spojrzeniu na swojej firmę i swoje finanse z innego punktu widzenia. Dlatego tak istotne są dla nas długoterminowe relacje  i indywidualne podejście do klienta.

Nie tylko poprowadzimy księgowość, ale zapewniamy proaktywne wsparcie, aby pomoc Ci zrozumieć liczby, zaplanować przyszłość i osiągnąć cele.

We want you to feel like we're members of your team. We respond to your needs, continuously improve ourselves, and you can rest assured knowing that you can recommend us to others.

Biuro rachunkowe Warszawa

In accounting, the devil is in the details.

So trust the professionals.

We are here for you

We bring energy, enthusiasm, and professionalism.

We simply do what needs to be done.

Na czas. Z jakością. Dbamy o Twoją poufność i Twoje zaufanie

We learn and grow with you

We respond to your needs, we improve ourselves, and you can have peace of mind and recommend us to others.

The path to financial certainty begins with us.

Get in touch!

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